The Story of Lightning and Thunder
Long ago, in a small village in Nigeria, there lived a mother and her son. The mother’s name was Thunder, and her son’s name was Lightning. Thunder was a loud and powerful woman, while Lightning was a mischievous and energetic boy. They lived together in the sky, where they could look down on the Earth and watch over the people below.
Lightning was known for his fiery temper and his love of causing trouble. Whenever he was angry or bored, he would hurl bolts of fire down to the Earth, setting fields ablaze and destroying trees. The villagers were terrified of Lightning and often prayed for him to stop.
Thunder, on the other hand, was loud but kind-hearted. She loved her son dearly but was often frustrated by his behavior. Whenever Lightning caused trouble, Thunder would shout at him in her booming voice, scolding him for his actions. Her voice was so loud that it echoed across the sky, shaking the Earth below.
One day, Lightning’s mischief went too far. He became angry with the villagers for not leaving him offerings and decided to punish them. He hurled a massive bolt of fire at the village, setting several huts on fire and destroying crops. The villagers were devastated and cried out for help.
Thunder, hearing their cries, was furious. She scolded Lightning with all her might, her voice roaring across the sky. "How could you do such a thing?" she shouted. "You have caused so much harm! You must learn to control your temper!"
But Lightning only laughed. "I am powerful, Mother," he said. "No one can stop me!"
Thunder knew she had to do something to protect the people on Earth. She decided to teach her son a lesson. She grabbed Lightning and dragged him far away from the village, deep into the sky. "From now on," she said, "you will stay here with me. Whenever you cause trouble, I will shout at you so loudly that everyone will hear. And you will no longer be able to harm the Earth."
From that day on, Thunder and Lightning lived together in the sky. Whenever Lightning became angry and hurled bolts of fire, Thunder would shout at him, her voice echoing across the land. The villagers, hearing Thunder’s booming voice, knew that Lightning was causing trouble again and would take cover.
Over time, the villagers learned to respect Thunder and Lightning. They understood that Thunder’s loud voice was a warning to protect them from Lightning’s fiery temper. They also learned to appease Lightning by leaving offerings and showing him respect, which helped to calm his anger.