The Singing Tortoise

Long ago, in a small village in Nigeria, there lived a poor hunter named Okeke. Okeke was known for his skill with a bow and arrow, but no matter how hard he worked, he could never seem to catch enough game to provide for his family. One day, as he wandered deep into the forest in search of food, he heard a strange and beautiful sound. It was a melody so enchanting that he followed it, curious to find its source.

After walking for some time, Okeke came upon a clearing where he saw a tortoise sitting on a rock. To his amazement, the tortoise was singing! Its voice was sweet and clear, and the song was unlike anything Okeke had ever heard. The tortoise noticed Okeke and stopped singing. "Who are you, and why have you come here?" it asked.

Okeke, still in awe, replied, "I am a hunter, and I was drawn here by your beautiful song. I have never heard anything like it. How is it that a tortoise can sing?"

The tortoise smiled and said, "I am no ordinary tortoise. I am a magical creature, and my song can bring joy to anyone who hears it. But I am also very shy. If you promise to keep my secret, I will sing for you whenever you wish."

Okeke eagerly agreed. "I promise I will not tell anyone about you," he said. The tortoise then sang a song so beautiful that Okeke felt all his worries melt away. When the song ended, the tortoise said, "You may visit me whenever you like, but remember your promise."

Okeke returned to his village, his heart light and his spirits lifted. Over the next few weeks, he visited the tortoise often, listening to its songs and finding solace in its music. But as time went on, Okeke began to think about how he could use the tortoise’s gift to improve his life.

One day, the village chief announced a great feast and invited everyone to attend. The chief promised a reward to anyone who could provide the best entertainment. Okeke saw this as his chance to gain wealth and recognition. He went to the tortoise and said, "Please, come to the village and sing at the feast. Your music will bring joy to everyone, and I will be rewarded."

The tortoise hesitated. "I am shy and do not like to be around many people," it said. "But if you promise to return me to the forest after the feast, I will go with you."

Okeke agreed, and the tortoise allowed him to carry it to the village. At the feast, the tortoise sang its enchanting song, and everyone was mesmerized. The chief was so impressed that he rewarded Okeke with riches and praise. However, when it was time to return the tortoise to the forest, Okeke grew greedy. He thought, "If I keep the tortoise, I can become even richer and more famous."

Ignoring his promise, Okeke locked the tortoise in a cage and planned to take it to other villages to perform. But the tortoise, saddened by Okeke’s betrayal, refused to sing. No matter how much Okeke begged or threatened, the tortoise remained silent.

One night, the tortoise used its magic to escape from the cage. It returned to the forest, leaving Okeke with nothing but his guilt. When the villagers discovered what had happened, they were angry with Okeke for breaking his promise and losing the tortoise’s gift.

Okeke returned to the forest to search for the tortoise, but it was nowhere to be found. He realized too late that his greed had cost him something far more valuable than riches. From that day on, Okeke lived a humble life, always remembering the lesson he had learned: that keeping one’s word and respecting others are more important than wealth or fame.


The Leopard’s Drum


The Story of Lightning and Thunder