The Wolf and the Sheep

Once upon a time, in a peaceful valley surrounded by rolling green hills, there lived a flock of sheep. They spent their days grazing on sweet grass, drinking from a sparkling stream, and playing under the watchful eye of their shepherd. Among the sheep was a young lamb named Lily, who was curious and adventurous but sometimes a little too trusting.

One sunny morning, as the flock grazed near the edge of the forest, Lily wandered a bit too far from the others. She had spotted a patch of clover and couldn’t resist the temptation. As she nibbled happily, she didn’t notice a pair of glowing yellow eyes watching her from the shadows. It was a wolf, cunning and hungry, who had been waiting for just such an opportunity.

The wolf stepped out of the forest, his fur gray and his teeth sharp. But instead of pouncing on Lily, he put on a friendly smile and said, “Good morning, little lamb. What a beautiful day it is!”

Lily was startled but didn’t sense danger right away. “Good morning, sir,” she replied politely. “Who are you?”

“I’m just a traveler passing through,” the wolf said smoothly. “I couldn’t help but notice how lovely your wool looks in the sunlight. You must be the most beautiful lamb in the valley.”

Lily blushed at the compliment. “Thank you, sir. That’s very kind of you.”

The wolf’s eyes gleamed as he saw his plan working. “You know,” he said, “there’s a meadow just beyond the forest with the sweetest grass you’ve ever tasted. Would you like to see it? I could show you the way.”

Lily hesitated. She had been taught never to wander too far from the flock, but the wolf seemed so nice, and the idea of exploring a new meadow was exciting. “I don’t know…” she said uncertainly.

“Oh, don’t worry,” the wolf said with a reassuring smile. “I’ll bring you back before anyone even notices you’re gone.”

Lily’s curiosity got the better of her, and she agreed to follow the wolf. As they walked deeper into the forest, the trees grew thicker, and the sunlight faded. Lily began to feel uneasy. “Are we almost there?” she asked.

“Just a little farther,” the wolf said, his voice growing colder. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to face her, his friendly mask slipping away. “You foolish little lamb,” he sneered. “Did you really think I would take you to a meadow? You’re nothing but my next meal!”

Lily’s heart raced with fear. She realized too late that she had been tricked. She turned to run, but the wolf blocked her path. “Please,” she begged, “let me go! I promise I’ll never wander off again!”

The wolf laughed cruelly. “It’s too late for promises now,” he said, baring his teeth.

Just as the wolf was about to pounce, a loud bark echoed through the forest. It was the shepherd’s dog, Max, who had been searching for Lily. Max charged at the wolf, growling fiercely. The wolf, caught off guard, turned and fled into the shadows.

Max nudged Lily gently. “Are you all right?” he asked.

Lily nodded, still trembling. “I’m so sorry, Max. I should have listened to the shepherd’s warnings. I’ll never wander off again.”

Max led Lily back to the flock, where the shepherd was relieved to see her safe and sound. From that day on, Lily stayed close to the flock and never let her curiosity lead her into danger again.

The wolf, however, wasn’t ready to give up. A few days later, he returned to the valley, this time disguised as a sheep. He had wrapped himself in a fluffy white fleece and even tied a bell around his neck. He mingled with the flock, hoping to catch another lamb off guard.

But Max, the wise and vigilant dog, noticed something strange. The new “sheep” didn’t graze like the others and kept glancing around nervously. Max approached the wolf and said, “You’re not fooling anyone. I know who you are.”

The wolf tried to act innocent. “What do you mean? I’m just a sheep, like the rest of you.”

Max barked loudly, alerting the shepherd, who came running with his staff. The wolf, realizing he had been caught, tore off his disguise and fled into the forest, never to return.

The flock cheered for Max, who had saved them once again. The shepherd patted Max on the head and said, “You’re the bravest and smartest dog in the valley.”

From that day on, the sheep stayed close together, and Lily learned an important lesson: not everyone who seems friendly can be trusted, and it’s always better to stay safe than to take unnecessary risks.

And so, the flock lived happily and peacefully, knowing that as long as they stuck together and listened to their shepherd and Max, they would always be safe from the wolf’s tricks.


The Young Giant


The Wolf and the Crane