The Three Princesses of Whiteland

Once upon a time, there was a young fisherman who lived by the sea. One day, as he was casting his net into the water, he pulled up an extraordinary catch—a large, golden fish that shimmered like the sun. But to his surprise, the fish spoke!

“Kind fisherman,” said the golden fish, “if you let me go, I will grant you three wishes.”

The fisherman was astonished but agreed to free the magical creature. However, he didn’t know what to wish for just yet. The fish nodded and said, “Whenever you’re ready, simply call for me, and I’ll grant your wishes.” With a splash, the golden fish disappeared into the waves.

The fisherman went home and told his wife what had happened. She suggested they think carefully about their wishes. But life in their humble home remained the same—until one fateful day when the fisherman’s wife vanished without a trace. The young man searched everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be found.

Heartbroken, the fisherman called for the golden fish. “Help me find my wife,” he pleaded.

The golden fish appeared and said, “If you truly wish to find her, follow the wind north to the farthest edge of the world. There, you’ll find the land of Whiteland. Your journey won’t be easy, but I’ll guide you when you need me.”

Determined, the fisherman set off on his journey. He crossed forests, rivers, and mountains, facing many trials along the way. Each time he grew tired or lost his way, he called for the golden fish, who helped him with advice or magic to overcome his obstacles.

At last, the fisherman arrived in Whiteland, a kingdom covered in sparkling white snow and filled with breathtaking beauty. He soon discovered that the land was ruled by an old king and that three magical princesses lived in a grand castle nearby. The people whispered tales of the princesses’ incredible beauty, but they also warned that anyone who sought to free them would face impossible challenges.

The fisherman felt drawn to the castle and decided to investigate. When he entered, he found himself in a vast hall with three golden thrones. Sitting on each throne was a princess, each more radiant than the last. But the princesses were trapped by a curse, frozen in time and unable to move or speak.

The fisherman called out to the golden fish for help. “These princesses are under a powerful spell,” said the fish. “To break it, you must complete three tasks set by the old king. But beware—these tasks will test your courage and your heart.”

The fisherman went to the old king and declared his intention to free the princesses. The king laughed, stroking his long white beard. “Very well,” he said. “Your first task is to move the mountain that blocks the sunlight from my castle. If you fail, you’ll never leave Whiteland alive.”

The fisherman was daunted, but he called for the golden fish, who told him to have faith. The next morning, the fisherman woke to find the mountain had vanished, and sunlight poured into the castle. The king was astonished but reluctantly gave him the second task.

“You must build a ship that sails both on land and sea,” the king declared.

The fisherman worked tirelessly, but nothing he tried seemed to work. Just when he was ready to give up, the golden fish appeared and whispered the secret to building such a ship. By morning, the miraculous vessel was ready, and the king was forced to give the fisherman the third and final task.

“For your last challenge,” said the king with a sly grin, “you must choose the right princess to free. If you choose wrong, you’ll lose everything.”

The fisherman was taken to the great hall, where the three princesses sat motionless on their golden thrones. Each one was dazzling, but they looked so alike that he couldn’t tell them apart. Then he remembered the advice of the golden fish: Listen to your heart, and it will guide you to the one who is meant for you.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped forward. When he opened his eyes, he was standing before the middle princess. “I choose her,” he said.

At that moment, the curse was broken! The princesses came to life, and the middle one—the fisherman’s wife—threw her arms around him. She explained that she had been taken to Whiteland by the king’s magic, and his love and courage had saved her.

The old king, impressed by the fisherman’s bravery and determination, allowed him to return home with his wife. As a reward, the golden fish granted the fisherman’s final wish: the couple lived happily ever after, blessed with kindness, love, and a life filled with joy.


The Swineherd